Parish Donations

Simple, Safe, & Secure

The Simple, Safe, & Secure Way to Make Collections Online

Now, more than ever, parishioners need an easy way to support the good work your parish does. Taking payments online doesn’t need to be complicated. With our brand-new Parish Donations module, you’ll see that for yourself.  

The most effective parish donations solution on the market, this module allows for 100% safe & secure processing of donor information. Choose from Basic or Advanced forms, manage reporting via a push-button administration system, and minimise costs with market-leading commissions via Stripe: whatever you need, our solution can provide.   

Key Features 
  • Easy to use for Donors 
    Our forms allow donors to make contributions to your church as quickly and easily as possible.
  • Advanced Reporting & Analytics 
    Access in-depth information about donors, campaigns and overall performance with just a few clicks.  
  • Market-Leading Commissions 
    Payment processing via Stripe ensures that you pay the bare minimum in commissionsallowing you to keep more of every euro collected for your parish.
  • 100% Secure  
    Our enterprise-level solution is completely safe and GDPR-compliant. You can rest easy knowing that your donor information is protected.
  • Tailored to Your Needs 
    Choose from one of our stock forms, create your own, roll out new ones for special collections – our system is flexible enough to meet all your needs.
  • Simple Setup 
    Our team of experienced web experts will integrate Parish Donations seamlessly with your existing website, handling the process from start to finish.  


Simple, Safe, & Secure

Ready to Start Taking Donations Online?

Contact us today for more information. 

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